"We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what are." - Max Depree
Happiness! The one common goal, I believe we all strive for in life. I believe we feel if we plan out every aspect of our life to perfection in our eyes, that we will truly be happy. As long as we achieve our set goals, of course! In reality it doesn't always happen this way. Do you find your self comparing your life to your peers, and wondering why they are doing so well? If only you do the things they did, you too could be as happy, if not happier then they are right? WRONG! Comparison is the thief of joy, and as long as we do this we will never be happy. Life is not meant to be perfect. If it were you would be bored. Obstacles come to make us stronger individuals. We can all achieve some form of our own happiness, by changing a few things we do in our day to day lives.
Make a decision to be happy - Change your attitude
Define what happiness means to YOU - Forget what society says, what is your ideal happiness?
Get enough sleep - You will wake up feeling recharged and refreshed and ready for your day
Do not dwell on the things that you cannot change
Make more time for yourself
Do volunteer work
Practice forgiveness - Within yourself, and for others
Smile more - Because you are beautiful
Read a great book
Step out of your comfort zone - Take those risk and challenge yourself
Find a new hobby
Eat Healthier
Learn to say NO - You can't do EVERYTHING
Make goals that are meaningful - Working towards a goal to improve your life is a great feeling
Surround your self with positive, uplifting people
Make more time for your family
Get a pet
Enjoy the little things in life
Say "Thank You" more often
Take a walk - Clear your mind and relax
Listen to upbeat music - Make a playlist of your favorite songs that make you happy ( Pharell Williams "Happy" is a great song)
CRY - Let it out and move on
Spring Cleaning - Out with the old, in with the new
Dress up - For no reason at all, just to feel pretty
Set a time to disconnect from the world - Turn off your phone
Travel - Go somewhere you have never been
SOUND OFF! What do you do to make yourself happy? Leave me a comment below, I'd love to know if you do any of these.